These screen shots are from a OS720 system executing a SAV22 with additional save of libraries QGPL, QUSRSYS, and QSYS2 (If you are a CORNERSTONE customer, you would also save the libraries CORNERST and CORNERST1.)
The parameters mentioned in this document should be on ALL versions of ISeries OS.
Before putting the system in a restricted condition, suggest changing QSYSOPR message queue to hold thus preventing these messages from interrupting the interactive save.
Once the system is in restricted status and GO SAVE option 22 selected, from the Specify Command Defaults, change the Prompt For Commands parameter from N to Y. This allows for each command to be have certain parameters changed. In this example the tape drive being used is named TC. Normally this would be like TAP01.
No parameter changes made on the End Subsystem screen.
Function key F10 and F9 are used to see ALL parameters for the SAVSYS command.
Parameter OUTPUT is changed to *PRINT.
Function key F10 and F9 are used to see ALL parameters for the SAVLIB command.
Notice the End of Media Option is set to *LEAVE. This should be the default.
The second screen of the SAVLIB command, the Save Active parameter, change to *LIB.
Even thou the system is in a restricted condition, changing this parameter is another level of getting all the objects saved.
The third screen of the SAVLIB command, no parameters were changed.
The fourth screen of the SAVLIB command, parameter OUTPUT is changed to *PRINT.
Function key F10 and F9 are used to see ALL parameters for the SAV command.
No parameter changes made on this screen.
The second screen of the SAV command, the Save Active parameter, change to *YES.
Even thou the system is in a restricted condition, changing this parameter is another level of getting all the objects saved. Also note the END OF MEDIA OPTION parameter was changed to *LEAVE.
The third screen of the SAV command, no parameter changes were made.
The fourth screen of the SAV command, no parameter changes were made.
When the START SUBSYSTEM screen comes up, cancel out of this screen with function F12. This should keep the system in a restricted condition.
Verify the system is still in a restricted condition by issuing the WRKSBS command.
Work With Subsystems screen indicates only controlling subsystem is active. Using function F11 shows the status of the subsystems. QCTL is in a RSTD (Restricted State).
Keying SAVLIB and using F4 to prompt to put in the libraries to save. (Remember to use F10 and F9 AFTER the libraries are keyed in).
Notice the SEQUENCE NUMBER parameter is *END. This should append this save to the tape used above in the SAV22 command.
(On the SAV command above, the tape unload option was changed to *LEAVE so this save does not have to read all the way thru the tape before the save begins.
On the second screen of the SAVLIB command, the SAVE ACTIVE parameter was changed to *LIB.
On the third screen of the SAVLIB command, no parameters were changed.
On the fourth screen of the SAVLIB command, parameter OUTPUT was changed to *PRINT.
The fifth screen of the SAVLIB command, no parameters were changed.
The printouts for all the above commands should be under the interactive job the saves were done under. From a command line, execute WRKJOB:
And then option 4 – Work with Spool Files:
The first QPSAVOBJ should be from the SAVSYS command. There is nothing to scan for on this report. Just review for any obvious errors.
The second QPSAVOBJ report should be from the SAVLIB command. On this report, on the FIND command at the top, key in Not save (as shown) and use function key F16=Find. Repeat F16 for the next entry and so on until the end of the report.
When the end of the report or no more string matches are found, will see a message like:
The next spool file, QSYSPRT, is from the SAV command. Now this report will most likely be very big due to all the IFS objects. Going to the bottom of this report should have ‘summary totals’.
An easy way to go to the bottom is to key in a B in the CONTROL file and hit enter.
Notice on the above screen shot, the Total summary lines:
Total number of objects saved
Total number of objects not saved
Total size (in K) of objects saved.
If the object not saved are anything more than 0, use the scan method listed above and scan for
not save
Most likely a QPJOBLOG will be produced from the SAV22. This is useful is reviewing errors on why objects were not saved.
The next report, QPSAVOBJ is from the SAVLIB command for the QGPL, QUSRSYS, and QSYS2 libraries (if you are also saving CORNERST libraries, these will also be listed in this report). Use the same method of scanning report as shown in the SAVLIB command above.
Once you have verified all the backups saved everything and you are ready to bring up the system, you can do either do an IPL to bring the system up or you can execute a start of the controlling subsystem.
This is done by issuing a STRSBS of the controlling subsystem. (In this example, the controlling subsystem is QCTL. So the command would be strsbs qctl (as shown in the following example) or (if the controlling subsystem is QBASE, the command would be strsbs qbase).
To verify the contents of the tape, do a DSPTAP, as in the following example:
A spool file named QPTAPDSP will be produced showing the following:
Notice in the above example, looked at the beginning and then at the end to verify the SAVLIB of other libraries executed outside of the SAV22 are appended to the tape.